Report. Ukraine Security Assistance: How uCare and Protect Ukraine Now Secured $5.5 Billion in Aid Through Advocacy

Today, as we reflect on the U.S. announcement of $7.9 billion in Ukraine security assistance, we are incredibly proud of the role uCare and Protect Ukraine Now (PUN) played in this outcome. Our advocacy campaign, titled “$6 Billion in Aid for Ukraine at Risk,” was instrumental in ensuring that the Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA) funds—$5.5 billion—were fully allocated before the expiration deadline.

The Beginning: Facing Obstacles

Our campaign started in early August when we saw the looming risk that the U.S. government might not fully utilize the PDA funds, leaving $6 billion at risk of expiring. Initially, we tried to gain support from major American-Ukrainian organizations like Nova Ukraine, Razom for Ukraine, and the American Coalition for Ukraine. Unfortunately, they showed no interest in joining our efforts, which left us with limited resources and external support. But we were determined to move forward, powered by the dedication of uCare and PUN volunteers, our families, and crucial backing from the Dignitas Fund’s fantastic team.

The Struggles: Doubts, Attacks, and Despair

Launching this campaign wasn’t easy. We faced a lot of internal and external resistance. There were doubts about our expertise and validation of the information we shared. Some people accused us of spreading propaganda, and I was personally attacked for alleged self-promotion and making money from Ukraine’s military efforts (ZSU). These were moments of despair, but the PUN team, my family, and our uCare volunteers never wavered in their support. Their commitment helped us stay focused on our mission.

The Breakthrough: Strategic Adjustments

Between September 1st and 6th, we saw the highest engagement with our petition, primarily driven by a detailed YouTube video in Russian—an unexpected boost given that American-Ukrainian influencers did not engage as much as we had hoped. This prompted us to adjust our approach further, and we developed a detailed electronic petition addressed to specialized committees in the U.S. Senate, Congress, and key figures in the Department of Defense and the White House. We also targeted both political parties due to the heightened sensitivity of the election season.

Building Momentum: Pushing for $6 Billion

From August 27 to September 3, our small team manually distributed the petition through over 100 Facebook and Telegram Ukrainian groups, issued videos, and constantly adapted the message based on the feedback we received. generously supported our email campaign, and we pushed the message across social media and traditional media outlets. By September 5, during a Pentagon press conference, we noticed questions being raised about the risk of the PDA expiration, a direct reflection of our efforts to raise awareness.

Critical Week: The Shift in U.S. Policy

On September 6, the Department of Defense announced a $250 million aid package as part of the PDA. While this was a positive signal, it wasn’t enough. We knew that $250 million was just a fraction of the available $6 billion, so we ramped up our messaging, making it clear that allowing the PDA funds to expire would be unacceptable. We adjusted our communications to demand full use of the $6 billion and began a new cycle of social media posts, email campaigns, and petition outreach.

Tactical Execution: Paper and Fax Campaign

While we collected signatures electronically, we recognized that e-submissions often fall victim to spam filters, especially when multiple submissions share the same content or originate from similar IP addresses. We also knew that paper mail typically garners more attention from lawmakers but faces a 30-day security check in sorting facilities. To avoid this delay, we promised to send the petitions by mail but ultimately chose fax as our primary delivery method. Fax submissions bypass security screening delays, ensuring that our message would be received more quickly.

After carefully reviewing and verifying over 500 valid petitions with U.S. addresses and proper signatures, we sent over 3,000 pages of petitions by fax. This approach allowed us to bypass digital and physical bottlenecks, ensuring lawmakers received our message promptly and without interference from electronic spam filters or security holds in sorting facilities. Additionally, the rest of the petitions were personally delivered by the Protect Ukraine Now (PUN) team in Washington, D.C., directly to key stakeholders, ensuring that our advocacy reached those in decision-making positions.

The Results: Data-Driven Success

Here are some key statistics from our campaign:

Turning Point: Securing PDA Extension

After our concerted push, on September 13, we saw a significant policy shift. The Biden administration requested Congress to extend the PDA through 2025, making $5.8 billion available beyond the September 30 deadline. This was a direct acknowledgment of the risk we had highlighted. As a result, we decided during our September 15 meeting that our campaign had reached the point where we could shift from actively pushing to monitoring the situation.

The Victory: $5.5 Billion in PDA Funds Secured

Finally, on September 26, President Biden issued a statement on U.S. support for Ukraine, announcing the allocation of $5.5 billion in PDA to ensure the funds would not expire. This was a huge win for uCare, Protect Ukraine Now, and all our volunteers and supporters who fought to keep this critical aid available. This language directly echoed the petition we had tirelessly circulated, showing that our voices had been heard at the highest levels of government.

Moving Forward: Gratitude and Reflection

This campaign was a testament to what a small, committed group of people can achieve, even in the face of limited resources and support. I want to personally thank everyone who stood by us during this journey—our volunteers, donors, and all those who signed the petition. Your actions mattered, and together, we ensured that Ukraine will receive the critical support it needs.

While we close this chapter, our work isn’t done. We will continue to advocate for Ukraine, ensuring that U.S. support remains strong and unwavering.

#SupportUkraine #Advocacy #uCare #ProtectUkraineNow #BipartisanSupport #UkraineAid #PatriotMissiles #PresidentialDrawdownAuthority #USUkraineRelations #Democracy